Crate redis [] [src]

redis-rs is a rust implementation of a Redis client library. It exposes a general purpose interface to Redis and also provides specific helpers for commonly used functionality.

The crate is called redis and you can depend on it via cargo:

version = "*"

If you want to use the git version:

git = ""

Basic Operation

redis-rs exposes to API levels: a low- and a high-level part. The high-level part does not expose all the functionality of redis and might take some liberties in how it speaks the protocol. The low-level part of the API allows you to express any request on the redis level. You can fluently switch between both API levels at any point.

Connection Handling

For connecting to redis you can use a client object which then can produce actual connections. Connections and clients as well as results of connections and clients are considered ConnectionLike objects and can be used anywhere a request is made.

The full canonical way to get a connection is to create a client and to ask for a connection from it:

extern crate redis;

fn do_something() -> redis::RedisResult<()> {
    let client = try!(redis::Client::open("redis://"));
    let con = try!(client.get_connection());

    /* do something here */


Unix Sockets

By default this library does not support unix sockets but starting with redis-rs 0.5.0 you can optionally compile it with unix sockets enabled. For this you just need to enable the unix_sockets flag and some of the otherwise unavailable APIs become available:

version = "*"
features = ["unix_socket"]

Connection Parameters

redis-rs knows different ways to define where a connection should go. The parameter to Client::open needs to implement the IntoConnectionInfo trait of which there are three implementations:

The URL format is redis://[:<passwd>@]<hostname>[:port][/<db>]

In case you have compiled the crate with the unix_sockets feature then you can also use a unix URL in this format:


Executing Low-Level Commands

To execute low-level commands you can use the cmd function which allows you to build redis requests. Once you have configured a command object to your liking you can send a query into any ConnectionLike object:

fn do_something(con: &redis::Connection) -> redis::RedisResult<()> {
    let _ : () = try!(redis::cmd("SET").arg("my_key").arg(42).query(con));

Upon querying the return value is a result object. If you do not care about the actual return value (other than that it is not a failure) you can always type annotate it to the unit type ().

Executing High-Level Commands

The high-level interface is similar. For it to become available you need to use the Commands trait in which case all ConnectionLike objects the library provides will also have high-level methods which make working with the protocol easier:

extern crate redis;
use redis::Commands;

fn do_something(con: &redis::Connection) -> redis::RedisResult<()> {
    let _ : () = try!(con.set("my_key", 42));

Note that high-level commands are work in progress and many are still missing!

Type Conversions

Because redis inherently is mostly type-less and the protocol is not exactly friendly to developers, this library provides flexible support for casting values to the intended results. This is driven through the FromRedisValue and ToRedisArgs traits.

The arg method of the command will accept a wide range of types through the ToRedisArgs trait and the query method of a command can convert the value to what you expect the function to return through the FromRedisValue trait. This is quite flexible and allows vectors, tuples, hashsets, hashmaps as well as optional values:

let count : i32 = try!(con.get("my_counter"));
let count = con.get("my_counter").unwrap_or(0i32);
let k : Option<String> = try!(con.get("missing_key"));
let name : String = try!(con.get("my_name"));
let bin : Vec<u8> = try!(con.get("my_binary"));
let map : HashMap<String, i32> = try!(con.hgetall("my_hash"));
let keys : Vec<String> = try!(con.hkeys("my_hash"));
let mems : HashSet<i32> = try!(con.smembers("my_set"));
let (k1, k2) : (String, String) = try!(con.get(&["k1", "k2"]));

Iteration Protocol

In addition to sending a single query you iterators are also supported. When used with regular bulk responses they don't give you much over querying and converting into a vector (both use a vector internally) but they can also be used with SCAN like commands in which case iteration will send more queries until the cursor is exhausted:

let mut iter : redis::Iter<isize> = try!(redis::cmd("SSCAN").arg("my_set")
for x in iter {
    // do something with the item

As you can see the cursor argument needs to be defined with cursor_arg instead of arg so that the library knows which argument needs updating as the query is run for more items.


In addition to simple queries you can also send command pipelines. This is provided through the pipe function. It works very similar to sending individual commands but you can send more than one in one go. This also allows you to ignore individual results so that matching on the end result is easier:

let (k1, k2) : (i32, i32) = try!(redis::pipe()

If you want the pipeline to be wrapped in a MULTI/EXEC block you can easily do that by switching the pipeline into atomic mode. From the caller's point of view nothing changes, the pipeline itself will take care of the rest for you:

let (k1, k2) : (i32, i32) = try!(redis::pipe()

You can also use high-level commands on pipelines through the PipelineCommands trait:

use redis::PipelineCommands;
let (k1, k2) : (i32, i32) = try!(redis::pipe()
    .set("key_1", 42).ignore()
    .set("key_2", 43).ignore()


Transactions are available through atomic pipelines. In order to use them in a more simple way you can use the transaction function of a connection:

use redis::{Commands, PipelineCommands};
let key = "the_key";
let (new_val,) : (isize,) = try!(redis::transaction(&con, &[key], |pipe| {
    let old_val : isize = try!(con.get(key));
        .set(key, old_val + 1).ignore()
println!("The incremented number is: {}", new_val);

For more information see the transaction function.


Pubsub is currently work in progress but provided through the PubSub connection object. Due to the fact that Rust does not have support for async IO in libnative yet, the API does not provide a way to read messages with any form of timeout yet.

Example usage:

let client = try!(redis::Client::open("redis://"));
let mut pubsub = try!(client.get_pubsub());

loop {
    let msg = try!(pubsub.get_message());
    let payload : String = try!(msg.get_payload());
    println!("channel '{}': {}", msg.get_channel_name(), payload);


Lua scripts are supported through the Script type in a convenient way (it does not support pipelining currently). It will automatically load the script if it does not exist and invoke it.


let script = redis::Script::new(r"
    return tonumber(ARGV[1]) + tonumber(ARGV[2]);
let result : isize = try!(script.arg(1).arg(2).invoke(&con));
assert_eq!(result, 3);

Breaking Changes

In Rust 0.5.0 the semi-internal ConnectionInfo struct had to be changed because of the unix socket support. You are generally heavily encouraged to use the URL based configuration format which is a lot more stable than the structs.



The client type.


Represents redis commands.


Represents a stateful redis TCP connection.


Holds the connection information that redis should use for connecting.


An info dictionary type.


Represents a redis iterator.


Represents a pubsub message.


The internal redis response parser.


Represents a redis command pipeline.


Represents a pubsub connection.


Represents a redis error. For the most part you should be using the Error trait to interact with this rather than the actual struct.


Represents a lua script.


Represents a prepared script call.



Defines the connection address.


An enum of all error kinds.


Helper enum that is used in some situations to describe the behavior of arguments in a numeric context.


Internal low-level redis value enum.



Implements common redis commands for connection like objects. This allows you to send commands straight to a connection or client. It is also implemented for redis results of clients which makes for very convenient access in some basic cases.


Implements the "stateless" part of the connection interface that is used by the different objects in redis-rs. Primarily it obviously applies to Connection object but also some other objects implement the interface (for instance whole clients or certain redis results).


This trait is used to convert a redis value into a more appropriate type. While a redis Value can represent any response that comes back from the redis server, usually you want to map this into something that works better in rust. For instance you might want to convert the return value into a String or an integer.


Converts an object into a connection info struct. This allows the constructor of the client to accept connection information in a range of different formats.


Implements common redis commands for pipelines. Unlike the regular commands trait, this returns the pipeline rather than a result directly. Other than that it works the same however.


Used to convert a value into one or multiple redis argument strings. Most values will produce exactly one item but in some cases it might make sense to produce more than one.



Shortcut function to creating a command with a single argument.


A shortcut function to invoke FromRedisValue::from_redis_value to make the API slightly nicer.


Packs a bunch of commands into a request. This is generally a quite useless function as this functionality is nicely wrapped through the Cmd object, but in some cases it can be useful. The return value of this can then be send to the low level ConnectionLike methods.


This function takes a redis URL string and parses it into a URL as used by rust-url. This is necessary as the default parser does not understand how redis URLs function.


Parses bytes into a redis value.


Shortcut for creating a new pipeline.


This function simplifies transaction management slightly. What it does is automatically watching keys and then going into a transaction loop util it succeeds. Once it goes through the results are returned.

Type Definitions


Library generic result type.