Enum url::SchemeData [] [src]

pub enum SchemeData {

The components of the URL whose representation depends on where the scheme is relative.



Components for URLs in a relative scheme such as HTTP.


No further structure is assumed for non-relative schemes such as data and mailto.

This is a single percent-encoded string, whose interpretation depends on the scheme.

Percent encoded strings are within the ASCII range.

Trait Implementations

impl Display for SchemeData

fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut Formatter) -> Result

Derived Implementations

impl Ord for SchemeData

fn cmp(&self, __arg_0: &SchemeData) -> Ordering

impl PartialOrd for SchemeData

fn partial_cmp(&self, __arg_0: &SchemeData) -> Option<Ordering>

fn lt(&self, __arg_0: &SchemeData) -> bool

fn le(&self, __arg_0: &SchemeData) -> bool

fn gt(&self, __arg_0: &SchemeData) -> bool

fn ge(&self, __arg_0: &SchemeData) -> bool

impl Hash for SchemeData

fn hash<__H: Hasher>(&self, __arg_0: &mut __H)

1.3.0fn hash_slice<H>(data: &[Self], state: &mut H) where H: Hasher

impl Debug for SchemeData

fn fmt(&self, __arg_0: &mut Formatter) -> Result

impl Clone for SchemeData

fn clone(&self) -> SchemeData

1.0.0fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)

impl Eq for SchemeData

impl PartialEq for SchemeData

fn eq(&self, __arg_0: &SchemeData) -> bool

fn ne(&self, __arg_0: &SchemeData) -> bool